- Dequeue an event from the fault queue causing an instance of this composite to be created;
- Retrieve the fault information using the event payload and Oracle SOA Suite API’s;
- Initiate a Human Task to notify administrators a fault has occurred in some composite instance.
You could either choose to pass the fault information to the Human Task itself or leave this to the application displaying the Human Task and the relevant information to deal with this task. In this case the fault information.
Since most of the above is straight-forward we will focus on retrieving the fault information using the Oracle SOA Suite API’s.
Retrieving fault information
Here are some snippets from a Java class that retrieves the fault information. This Java class could be exposed as Web Service, EJB Session Bean, or some other technology so it can be invoked from SCA composites.
Locator locator = LocatorFactory.createLocator();
FaultFilter faultFilter = new FaultFilter();
List faults = locator.getFaults(faultFilter);
You could extend this example and use the Locator API to retrieve additional information such as the composite sensor data belonging to the composite instance that faulted. That way the administrators will have more information on the SCA composite instance.
Locator locator = LocatorFactory.createLocator();
Composite composite = locator.lookupComposite(compositeDN);
CompositeInstanceFilter compositeInstanceFilter = new CompositeInstanceFilter();
List instances = composite.getInstances(compositeInstanceFilter);
List sensors = instances.get(0).getSensorData();
And that concludes the final component of our generic fault handler!
Some notes that were acquired during the further implementation of this fault handler:
Faults that occur in BPEL flows -other then Invoke activities- will not be caught by the fault handling framework. An example would be an incorrect XPath expression in an Assign activity. You will need to use some other mechanism such as the Catch and CatchAll activities for that. These handlers could then enqueue an event on the same fault queue as our fault handler does. Or you could test your SCA composites using the out-of-the-box SOA Suite’s test framework to minimize the chance of errors in the BPEL flow itself. Usually there is a higher occurrence of runtime or unexpected faults when invoking external components such as Web Services then in your own BPEL components (given of course that you test your software).
It seems that not all faults are registered in the SOAINFRA database when “ora-terminate” is used as fault action. Especially faults that occur in Invoke activities of BPEL flows (compared to faults in Mediators and Adapters). When switching to “ora-retry” instead, faults and their information are stored in the COMPOSITE_INSTANCE_FAULT table. Switching from terminate to retry as outcome would mean the SOA composite in which the fault occurred will remain in “RUNNING” state according to the Enterprise Manager and will not be terminated.
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